4/30/07, the university library: Armchair referees are the people who think they could do such a better job calling a game in any particular sport than the officials on the playing surface. The officials are much closer to the action and have been officiating for a living for much longer than most, if not all, of these armchair refs. I wish they'd just shut up and watch the game.

There are some key signs of armchair refereeing; all are easy to observe. Use the following test to determine whether or not you are observing a case of Armchair Referee Syndrome (ARS).

1. Does the subject yell out obscenities to the referees frequently in their frustration over the officiating?
2. Does the subject exhibit a tendency to only complain about the calls which hurt their team?
3. Does the subject act as if the real referees give a care about his or her opinion?

If you answered "yes" to any of the previous questions, the subject you are observing probably has ARS. Sit behind them and harumph loudly until they stop.
