The Guidians

The Guide Club was an idea generated this year by Tito. He got 13 supporters to sign as charter full members, but the club was never started, because administration did not want more clubs. The possible sponsor is currently Mrs. Geveden, should administration change their minds. Current plans are to take the club off-campus or to petition.


Acting leader: Tito
Current possible member count: 13

The Guidians' Constitution

Article I. Club Name
The name of the club shall be “The Guidians.” For the rest of the constitution it shall be referred to as the “club.”

Article II. Statement of Non-organizational Affiliation
The club shall not be affiliated with any political or religious organization, or any organization that denies membership or position of office on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or disability.

Article III. Purpose
The purpose of this club is: a) to provide a place for Guide enthusiasts and those curious about the Guide to meet, b) to spread the word about The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and other Guide books to the student body, and c) to have a really good time performing tasks a and b.

Article IV. Membership
Section 1. Statement of Nondiscrimination
No student shall be denied membership or position of office on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or disability.
Section 2. Full Membership
1. All full members must be currently enrolled at Bob Jones High School. They must pass an entrance exam on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the first book in the series. Once they have passed the test, full members will not be required to take the test again to assure full membership.
2. All full members have the right to attend meetings. They have the right to vote on club issues, officers, amendments, revisions, and expulsion of full and general members. They have the right to run for office. They have the right to be in the yearbook picture, if they choose to do so.
3. Automatic expulsion of full members will occur for the following reasons: a) a member is using illegal substances, including tobacco products and alcoholic beverages during meetings, b) a member is becoming verbally or physically violent during meetings, and/or c) a member is planning or acting out an undermining of the current club government. Automatic expulsion is final and results in the inability of that member to belong to the club ever again.
4. Expulsion of full members by vote may occur if ten or more full members agree that a full member must be expelled for the betterment of the club. Requests for expulsion must be made at least a week in advance of the vote on the member in question and must include a reason for the request. During the meeting when the expulsion request is made the member in question will be allowed to make a speech in his defense. Members may be expelled by a two-thirds majority of full member voters present during the vote. Expulsion by vote is active until the next operating year, when that member may rejoin.
Section 3. General Membership
1. All general members must be currently enrolled at Bob Jones High School. General members are not required to pass the entrance exam, but they may become full members by doing so at any time during the operating year. A general member is allowed to take the test as many times as is required for a passing grade.
2. All general members have the right to attend meetings. They have the right to vote on amendments, revisions, and expulsion of general members. They have the right to become full members, if they pay the fee and pass the test. They have the right to be in the yearbook picture, if they choose to do so.
3. Automatic expulsion of general members will occur for the following reasons: a) a member is using illegal substances, including tobacco products and alcoholic beverages during meetings, b) a member is becoming verbally or physically violent during meetings, and/or c) a member is planning or acting out an undermining of the current club government. Automatic expulsion is final and results in the inability of that member to belong to the club ever again.
4. Expulsion of general members by vote may occur if ten or more full and/or general members agree that a general member must be expelled for the betterment of the club. Requests for expulsion must be made at least a week in advance of the vote on the member in question and must include a reason for the request. During the meeting when the expulsion request is made the member in question will be allowed to make a speech in his defense. Members may be expelled by a two-thirds majority of full and/or general member voters present during the vote. Expulsion by vote is active until the next operating year, when that member may rejoin.

Article V. Government
Section 1. Elected Positions
1. The President shall be in charge of representing the club and planning meeting activities. He/she shall have the final word in non-democratic decisions. If the President is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice-president shall preside over that meeting.
2. The Vice-President shall assume the full duties of the President in the event that the President is unable to attend a meeting. The Vice-President shall be the candidate for President who wins the second-most amount of votes.
3. The Secretary shall be in charge of keeping non-financial records, such as membership and attendance lists. The Secretary will keep tally of all votes. If the Secretary chooses to run for another term, then he/she will pick an Election Manager. The Secretary must own a calculator, writing utensil, and paper.
Section 2. Appointed Positions
1. The President or any other elected official may propose as many new appointed position as he/she sees need for. Proposed positions may be accepted by a majority vote of full members, using a show of hands. For appointed positions to be active during the next operating year, an amendment must be made to the constitution to allow for them. Special positions that are needed temporarily need not be written into the constitution as amendments.
2. The Election Manager shall be appointed by the Secretary if the Secretary runs for another term. The Election Manager shall be in charge of tallying and recording the votes of the annual officials election. The Election Manager must be a full member, cannot be a candidate for any office, and must own a calculator, writing utensil, and paper. The Election Manager shall serve until the results of the annual officials election are announced, when he/she shall give up his position to the newly-elected Secretary.
Section 3. Elections
1. Candidates must be full members and must be able to attend at least three-fourths of scheduled meetings. Candidates must be willing to do the job that they are running for. Candidates are not allowed to run for more than one position during one election, but they are allowed to run for more than one term. Candidates are allowed to run for different positions than they have previously run for or won. Candidates are allowed to run for as many terms under as many positions as they please.
2. Voters during the annual officials election must be full members and must be present on the day of elections. Voters who are found to be pressuring other voters into voting for a certain candidate will have their voting privileges revoked until the next election.
3. Elections for officials shall happen near the same date every year, and shall only be held once per operating year. The election day shall be announced at least four weeks before it is scheduled to happen. Candidates will be allowed to declare nomination from the meeting when the election day is announced to the end of the next meeting.
4. On election day, full members present will fill out secret ballots and the ballots will be tallied. Results will be announced at the end of the meeting, and officers will assume their duties at the next meeting. All officers serve until the next annual officials election’s results are announced, when, if they do not run and win again, they give up their position to their successor.
Section 4. Removal from Office
1. Automatic removal from office will occur if an officer is expelled from the club, either through automatic expulsion or expulsion by vote.
2. Removal of officers by vote may occur if: a) ten or more full members agree that a full member must be removed from his/her position for the betterment of the club, or b) an officer fails to attend at least three-fourths of regular scheduled meetings. Requests for removal must be made at least a week in advance of the vote on the officer in question and must include a reason for the request. During the meeting when the removal request is made the officer in question will be allowed to make a speech in his defense. Officers may be removed by a two-thirds majority of full member voters present during the vote. Removal by vote is active until the next operating year, when that member may run for office again. Removal from office by vote does not affect one’s membership status.
3. Replacement of officers will occur directly after the removal of an officer from a position. Special elections will follow the same procedures as regular elections, except that an interim officer will be chosen by the remaining officers on the day of the removal vote. Interim officers will accept the duties and roles of their position until an elected officer is chosen. Interim officers must be full members and must meet the criteria of the position that they hold. Interim officers will then give up their positions to the new elected official.

Article VI. Meetings
1. Meetings will be held one day per week after school. Club members will decide a meeting day and time once the operating year has begun. Individual meetings are not required to follow any definite schedule and may be run at the discretion of the club members and officers. Extra meetings may be called by the President, or Vice-President who is acting as President, at his/her discretion.
2. The number of meetings that a member, full or general, attends will not affect any of their rights as members; however, it may decrease their chances of winning an elected position, as they may not be thought reliable to come to club meetings regularly. Officers who do not attend at least three-fourths of regular scheduled meetings will be automatically considered for removal by vote.

Article VII. Changing the Constitution
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any full or general member at any meeting. Amendments must be written completely before the time of proposal and read at the time of proposal. Changes to proposed amendments may be discussed after the amendment is read by the one proposing it. Votes on amendments will be held a week after the amendment is proposed. All full and general members present during the day of the vote may vote on the proposition. Amendments may be passed with a two-thirds majority. Amendments become active upon passage and are placed in order of passing after the last article of the constitution.
Section 2. Revision
Revisions of the constitution may be proposed by any full or general member at any meeting. Revisions must be written completely before the time of proposal and read at the time of proposal. Changes to proposed revisions may be discussed after the revision is read by the one proposing it. Votes on revisions will be held two weeks after the revision is proposed. All full and general members present during the day of the vote may vote on the proposition. Revisions may be passed with a four-fifths majority. Revisions become active upon passage and completely replace the preceding version of the constitution. The previous version and its amendments, if it has any, are then nullified and void.

Article VIII. Ratification
This constitution shall become active upon its signature by all present at the constitutional meeting. It hereby shall be the standard by which this club will operate. Only by revision may this edition to the constitution be removed.

Date _________________________

The dusty old Attic beckons...