
Right now I'm standing in a large crowd,
and earlier on this day I had vowed
this moment with my eyes transfixed
to freak out someone just for kicks.
And suddenly I make connection
for pure delight and not affection.
The other one begins to see,
one eyebrow raises triumphantly
and soon it gets above the other.
His face I start to want to smother.
My eyes have started to dry out,
but I will not move and never pout.
I cannot quit in this cruel game;
I have been the one who is to blame
for starting this painful activity
without a very strong ability
to resist the urge I have to laugh.
My neck straightens like a giraffe.
By now I am very wide-eyed
and soon enough my eyes are dried;
I very hard so want to blink,
but if so my reputation would sink.
Somehow the other never moved,
and he appeared very much amused,
for, though disturbing I wanted to be,
he scared my wits by staring back at me.

Ah, the Poetics.