The People We Knew: the "who's gay?" kid

My friend Jessica and I were standing around at the bus pickup area one day after school. We started discussing this kid in my programming class who was a homosexual. When I mentioned that he was gay, this tall, weird-looking dude walks up to us and asks, "Who's gay?"

Maybe he thought we were talking about him, or maybe he was just curious. Either way, the situation of him randomly joining our conversation, coupled with the goofiness of how he asked the question, caused Jessica and I to begin laughing hysterically. "Do you know this kid?" I asked her, pointing at the guy, who was still standing there looking creepy. "No," she said, and we kept laughing.

I saw that kid afterwards a few times at church, and I still consider him the "who's gay?" kid.

I pray your sins will be forgiven too, after that train wreck of an article.