The Team We Joined: the class

The craziest and weirdest class I ever took in high school was scholars' bowl. It was sort of like one of those spin-off sitcoms in that it had some of the same characters but it was a very different and sometimes odd mix compared to the standard after-school practice. Every day, we set up the buzzers and read through questions. McCall read a weird fantasy book or slept most of the time. Peyton almost never buzzed in, but when he did, he knew the right answer. Cameron and I went on rampages through the question packets, only because other varsity starters weren't in the class to answer them before us.

The teacher who sponsored our team read questions every once in a while, but most of the time he left the class, which was during his planning period. His absence often encouraged us to yell answers and make other unnecessary noise. One time, Dave and I got into an argument over some insignificant nuance of scoring. He became so angry that he stuffed the scoresheet down his pants and then shoved it in my face, screaming the whole time. The teacher chewed us out for that one.

At one point of the year, all the classes at school were supposed to send to box of goodies to a soldier in Iraq. Since we hadn't made any progress on ours, our teacher took us on a field trip to Wal-Mart one day. We felt towels for softness and tested various other things to put in the box. Our card was awesome. On the front was a picture of a snowy field with the word "peace" in big red letters. We thought it would be ironic, since they were at war and all. Peyton signed it "see you guys soon" since he was in the National Guard and going to Iraq the next year.

At the end of each class period, our teacher would quiz us from a section of the Fine Arts part of the Master List, a collection of knowledge that had been developed by our school's teams over a few years. I was the only person who did well. Luckily for the other four, the quizzes only counted for 20% of our final grade. The other 80% was for showing up. I'm pretty sure that's the easiest class I've ever taken.

I pray your sins will be forgiven too, after that train wreck of an article.