Henri Matisse's The Snail.

Tito likes snails. He's liked snails ever since he found one creeping around behind Cameron's house at the Goodbye Ted (our former youth minister) Party (which wasn't even the official one). Tito's snail is named "Matisse," after Henri Matisse, the famous French fauvist painter of the late 1800s and early 1900s. He painted a picture in 1953 called The Snail, which can be seen above. It looks nothing like a snail, but the title itself makes him worthy of Tito naming his snail after him (if that made any sense).

Snails are really easy to care for. Just put some dirt in a container, Saran wrap the top and poke some air holes (not too big; one time Matisse escaped from his container during the night, and Tito almost lost him), give it some leaves, keep the dirt moist, and keep the container in a shady area. Turns out, snails are hermaphrodites. That means that they have both the male and the female reproductive snail organs. Luckily for Tito, it still takes two snails to make any more of them. Snails are gastropods, too. That means they use their foot as a stomach, and vica versa. Having a foot-stomach is cool, because then if you walk all over someone's face, you can digest it at the same time. Pretty hardcore weapon.

Some people in France eat snails, and some people kill them due to their pestiness in a garden. That's just mean. Snails have a right to happiness too, you know.

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