Jacques-Louis David

David is incredible! His paintings emphasize glorious shining greatness. It's all about the heroism! He painted a lot of pictures of Napoleon, because, heck, Napoleon RULED. The Oath of the Horatii has glorious dudes with swords who are looking ALL heroic-like. Errr...yeah, I didn't do enough research on this one. Oh yeah, The Death of Marat! Marat was a Frenchman who hung out in sewers during the French Revolution. I can't recall what he was doing that for, but I'm fairly sure that he got some sort of skin disease. Or maybe he was just really pale. Either way, David painted a picture of him, dead. Inscribed on a podium in the picture is the phrase "A Marat." For those of you who don't read Phoenician, that means "to Marat." Hold on a second. Why would you dedicate a painting to someone who's already dead? Maybe Marat's still alive and well today. Oh no - there he is!

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