John Cage

4'33": Quite possibly the most bizarre and original "work of art" of the 20th century. What happens is the performer sits at a piano for four minutes and thirty-three seconds. The "music" is the sounds of nature and people enjoying light chat. And people rustling. And maybe the sound of the boy in the back of the room who's wimpering because his mom won't let him go to the bathroom. Anyway, it's amazing that people consider this high art, because it isn't. It's just the brainchild of an inventor who realized how to scam people out of their money.

Imaginary Landscape No. 5: A bunch of radios on stage, turned to whatever's on at the moment. Upside: never the same thing twice! Downside: you could do this at home and pocket the $40 you'd spend on the concert ticket.

John Cage is dead, I think. Yep. 1992.

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