Mystery Stories

I don't know. I have never read a mistery story. I suppose a good mistery would have a murder or wrongdoing of some sort. Then there would have to be evidence that everybody could have done the evil deed. I suppose the main character will have to go around looking for clues in order to find the perpetrator. Someone always has to die somewhere along the way otherwise it's no good.

I actualy don't like mistery stories at all. I mostely read science fiction or any other form of fiction. If you haven't noticed from my other journals I like to read Star Wars books. If I can get my hands on a good Star Wars novel I'll read it. If you give me a stack of "Baby Sitters Club" I'll probly die of bordome. Give me a stack of Star Wars books though, and I'll probly live forever.

I realy wish that I didn't have to finish this journal. It's so hard to think of things to write about. Next time I hope the subject is something I know more about. If only I had read that sherloc homs book I saw in the library. Then I would be able to write about something interesting. I guess thats all I have to talk about. So long folks and may you have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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