Jet Pilot

If I lived in Jonas's world I'd like to be one of the jet pilots. That way I could mount weapons on the jet and blow the brains out of everyone. No one would be able to catch me because I'd mount a retractible third rocket engine in order to make me go 50% faster than all the normal fighters.

I would join up with all the other jet pilot dudes that thought life sucked. Me and my homes would go on raids capturing supplies from the lumbering jumbo jets that would carry food to nearby communities. As our numbers grew we would come out of hiding and mount a full blown assault on all the comunity elders. After destroying any interferance We'd make our way to the announcement rooms in order to declare our ultimate dictatorship.

Anyone who opposed us would be banished to another community that was not blessed by our imposing rule. These communities would become penal colonies for those who did not obey our wishes. All the nacesities would still be provided, except that they would be denied all video game!

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