Ghost Reporting

"I have been trapped heer too long." "I have beened held up in this shabby bunker for too long."

Those blasted Protos. They marooned me on this retched volcanic ash world. They've been relentlasly pouding me and my remaining comrads. They just won't stop. They continuously send their zeelot and templar masses only to be slaughtered.

I am the only ghost presant heer. All the rest are hottshot marines. We lost 5 marines in the first several waves. Idiot marines. They do not relise the savarety of the situation in wich we are in. The Protos are here in order to collect me. They want me obliterated.

Already the have sent schyonic brainwaves telling me that I'm what they want. They believe they can use my ghost powers to draw the zerg to them. The zerg are most certanly intuned to my schyonic eminations.

I fear that soon they will capture me and and use me as bate to lure the zerg into a trap. Once I have surved my perpose they will most sertanly dispose of me. There is nothing I can do. They will eventualy kill every single one of my comrads. Then I will be alone to be harnest for their evil perpouses. Soon. Soooon. I amagine that it is only a matter of time.

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