Some Very Dire News

titotothelimit: Good evening.
GreySkyofHolland: Hallo, Tito
GreySkyofHolland: How's it going?
titotothelimit: Very badly.
titotothelimit: Congratulations, you will be the first to hear some very dire news.
GreySkyofHolland: Uh oh
titotothelimit: The band directors have refused to let me wear the marching uniform.
GreySkyofHolland: Oh dear, that is very bad.
titotothelimit: So much for stealing it.
GreySkyofHolland: Major bummer
titotothelimit: They said they thought it would be making fun of the uniform. I'm going to go ask them tonight for one last chance.
GreySkyofHolland: Try using something like "band spirit" to persuade them
titotothelimit: Well, I'm not making fun of it. I just wanted to do it.
titotothelimit: If anything that would show pride in the band program, not satire.
titotothelimit: I'm making fun of the prom, not the marching uniform.
GreySkyofHolland: Indeed
GreySkyofHolland: So I take it you will go with the suit if they say no again, correct?
titotothelimit: Well, this will take some very inventive improvising.
GreySkyofHolland: Go futuristic
GreySkyofHolland: Did you ever see Revenge of the Nerds?
titotothelimit: Well, I was thinking wear the band jersey, my Hawaiian shirt, my Marines sunglasses.
titotothelimit: And Vox could wear a printed out picture of a marching uniform.
GreySkyofHolland: Nice
titotothelimit: I have to make sure that they can't kick me out though.
GreySkyofHolland: True, since it is semi-formal and all
titotothelimit: But hey, if I can't go all out then I am going to go for what I can get.
titotothelimit: Man, this stinks.
titotothelimit: I'm so stupid, not asking ahead of time.
GreySkyofHolland: Yeah, there must be something in the system that has a loophole you could find
titotothelimit: What do you mean?
GreySkyofHolland: I'm not sure eactly
titotothelimit: Well anyway, could you pass along this information to Fattell?
GreySkyofHolland: I shall
titotothelimit: Taco Bell is still on at 6:30, if anyone wants to come.
GreySkyofHolland: I plan on coming
GreySkyofHolland: The one on 72, correct?
titotothelimit: And Vox will still be present; it's just that the main reason for celebration is gone. Yeah, the one on 72.
GreySkyofHolland: How big is Vox?
GreySkyofHolland: Pocket size?
titotothelimit: Nah, he's in between.
GreySkyofHolland: Ok
titotothelimit: The medium-size dictionary.
GreySkyofHolland: Ahhh
titotothelimit: By the way...
titotothelimit: How would you like to be in the Vox Movie this summer?
GreySkyofHolland: WOAH, That would be an honor!
titotothelimit: The script isn't written yet, but I've been thinking about it for a while.
titotothelimit: It's going to be a horror flick.
GreySkyofHolland: Neat
GreySkyofHolland: I can't exactly speak Spanish, but I can speak a bit of German and a touch of English if needed
titotothelimit: Well, it's going to be in English.
GreySkyofHolland: Ok
titotothelimit: But yeah...let Fattell know that the jig is up, but Taco Bell is still on.
GreySkyofHolland: Alright, I shall pass the word along
titotothelimit: But I'll see what sort of devilry I can conjure up nonetheless.
GreySkyofHolland: Ok
GreySkyofHolland: Back to the Vox Movie, do you have much of a plot yet or is it still in the process?
titotothelimit: The Vox Movie has sort of a plot. It goes like this.
titotothelimit: There's this kid doing some Spanish homework, and when he gets really mad he throws his dictionary into the trash.
GreySkyofHolland: I can already see where this will be going...
GreySkyofHolland: $23.6 million in the first week
GreySkyofHolland: In debt
titotothelimit: Yep. Anyway, after trashing the dictionary...
GreySkyofHolland: But it will still be worth it
titotothelimit: The kid forgets about it...but then, he starts getting odd messages on pieces of paper signed "Vox."
titotothelimit: Then eventually the dictionary jumps on him or something.
titotothelimit: I dunno...not the best idea, but very creepy.
GreySkyofHolland: Especially if we get some eerie music in the background
titotothelimit: Well, I have to go. Adios!
GreySkyofHolland: See ya Saturday at the Taco Bell

Who cares about your dumb prom problems or your stupid dictionary? Take me back to AIM Conversations.