Strong Bad Lore

GreySkyofHolland: Hey Tito, please forgive me for not recognizing the Strong Bad quote you used the other night. I t was late and I had not consumed any caffeine that day.
titotothelimit: ...which one?
GreySkyofHolland: Hey Steve!
titotothelimit: Oh yeah. That's OK man.
titotothelimit: It is not yet part of standard Strong Bad lore.
GreySkyofHolland: Yeah, I wasn't very impressed with the latest E-mail
titotothelimit: I don't know, I was feeling it pretty good.
GreySkyofHolland: I dunno, it just didn't feel like the good ol' Strong Bad
GreySkyofHolland: I fear they are running out of ideas.
titotothelimit: I have felt that since before Monster Truck.
titotothelimit: Maybe I have just been there too long.
titotothelimit: The newness of the section is finally dying.
GreySkyofHolland: Maybe we should all take a break for a week or so, and re-intorduce ourselves to it
titotothelimit: I don't think I could wait that long. It might kill me.
titotothelimit: dragon, techno, comic, monster truck, and that other one that I always forget are the only classics so far.
GreySkyofHolland: Definetly
titotothelimit: There is a fifth one but I can't remember.
GreySkyofHolland: Always those elusive ones
titotothelimit: There are so many medium ones that I don't remember though.
titotothelimit: Lots of good middle ground, but little top cream.
GreySkyofHolland: I wonder how excellant number 100 will be
titotothelimit: We're on what, 70?
GreySkyofHolland: I mean, 50 was pretty good, so 100 will have to be twice as good at least
GreySkyofHolland: yeah, so 30 more weeks
GreySkyofHolland: Drat
GreySkyofHolland: That is too long to wait
titotothelimit: I may not be around at the site then.
titotothelimit: Unless something big comes; I don't know how long I can stand mediocrity.
titotothelimit: I think I just became too critical of the e-mails.
titotothelimit: But I'm still feeling them, still loyal to checking Monday mornings.
GreySkyofHolland: Yeah, I know what you mean
GreySkyofHolland: And sometime soon, a smash-hit Toon will come out
titotothelimit: Hopefully.
titotothelimit: I need to expand my SB E-mail Goodies section into a full-blown fan site.
titotothelimit: Oh yeah, japanese cartoon was the fifth classic.
GreySkyofHolland: With Stinkoman 20X6 and Pan-Pan
titotothelimit: Right.
titotothelimit: What do you think is the best e-mail ever?
titotothelimit: I mean, out of japanese cartoon, comic, dragon, monster truck, and techno, it's a really tough choice.
titotothelimit: I think it's between comic and dragon.
titotothelimit: Hmmm, watching "your friends" right now. One of my personal favorites.
GreySkyofHolland: [...] my personal favorite ever....hhmm....
GreySkyofHolland: I'm torn between Dragon and techno
titotothelimit: Hm.
titotothelimit: Techno was definitely the first truly incredible e-mail.
titotothelimit: Woah, I just got a good idea (or maybe a bad one).
GreySkyofHolland: What might that be?
titotothelimit: We should make one huge line graph of the progress of e-mail greatness.
GreySkyofHolland: WOAH
GreySkyofHolland: Excellant
GreySkyofHolland: We would need to poll everbody to get more accurate results
titotothelimit: It'd take forever but the nerdiness would make up for the hard work.
GreySkyofHolland: Absolutely
titotothelimit: By the way, this conversation is definitely going up on the website. Congrats.
GreySkyofHolland: This is truly an honor; now that is a good website. Maybe if Tito would quit mooching off that one for fame and good material and come up with his own stuff then his site wouldn't be as bad as it is right now. And getting your conversation on this site is a disgrace, not an honor. I think I'll go to, but first I'll go to the AIM Conversations to make sure that there isn't anything good on this site.