Prom Schemes

titotothelimit: I'll just stand around and act cool...shouldn't be too hard.
Yellowgurl 1603: nah, hang out by the snack bar
titotothelimit: They have a snack bar???
Yellowgurl 1603: well its more like a table
Yellowgurl 1603: but i think i rememeber that
titotothelimit: I'm all over some food...
titotothelimit: I'll just pig out.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahahaha
titotothelimit: Maybe I'll go with my Spanish dictionary Vox.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahah
Yellowgurl 1603: aww
titotothelimit: He's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him.
Yellowgurl 1603: haha
Yellowgurl 1603: you'll find you somebody
titotothelimit: Maybe I'd just take pictures of me and Vox at Taco Bell on our prom date.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahahahahahaha
Yellowgurl 1603: you shoudl
titotothelimit: But I'd need someone to take the pictures.
titotothelimit: Maybe I could get a girl to come along as my camerawoman.
titotothelimit: That way she wouldn't have to be associated with me.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahahahaha
Yellowgurl 1603: ask the cashier
titotothelimit: Nah...but asking random people gives it more of a sense of adventure.
Yellowgurl 1603: heck yeah
titotothelimit: I've always wanted to get Vox some clothes and sunglasses.
titotothelimit: And I have a long-standing plan for a horror movie involving Vox stalking a guy.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahahahah

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