French vs. Spanish vs. Italian

titotothelimit: Au revior or some stupid French phrase.
MrFattell: French is All STUPID
MrFattell: like
MrFattell: The French word for Hot Dog
MrFattell: is Hot Dog
MrFattell: pronounced Hot Dog
titotothelimit: I know it is stupid.
titotothelimit: Spanish is much better, but not the best.
MrFattell: Neither are GOOD
titotothelimit: Italian is probably the best language in the world.
MrFattell: I think Esperanto shall vome back
MrFattell: come*
titotothelimit: Because it is pronounced nearly phonetically.
MrFattell: No it isn't
titotothelimit: But anyhow. I MUST SLEEP
titotothelimit: (well, they pronounce every letter at least)
MrFattell: Mostly
titotothelimit: (which is much more than I can say for the French)
MrFattell: it is French
MrFattell: Dont' you know anything?
titotothelimit: Yes.
MrFattell: There is an exhibit at the Smithsonian
MrFattell: Didnt you see it?
titotothelimit: I KNOW PEANUT BUTTER

What genuii Fattell and Tito are. Could other linguistical studies be found in the AIM Conversations? I think I'll go find out.