Clothes Off

titotothelimit: Hey. Prepare for our project...
gbs312: i'll try
titotothelimit: It's going to rock pretty hard.
gbs312: is it going to rock my face off?
titotothelimit: Oh yes...perhaps even more than your face...
gbs312: like my clothes
titotothelimit: Yeah, like those things.
gbs312: oh-no
gbs312: that would be crazy
titotothelimit: Yeah, and you'd be naked, too.
gbs312: i think it would be hard to do the presentatin with everyones clothes off

Hmmm. For once, that was actually an entertaining conversation. Wait a second...what am I saying? That was revolting! Talking about Spanish marketing presentations, and defiling it with images of nakedness? Shameful. I must flee to AIM Conversations and cleanse my mind.