Birthday Gifts

Leslie61786: that was pretty funny what you did for Becky's gift
bobgrocerforever: The Ghetto-chess?
Leslie61786: and the kiss thing
bobgrocerforever: Oh yeah.
bobgrocerforever: That was pretty hilarious.
bobgrocerforever: Props to Jessicahill for helping think that one up the night before.
bobgrocerforever: Now, if they ever cash in, that will be really funny.
Leslie61786: lol
Leslie61786: Becky was like I just might use this one day when he least excepts it
bobgrocerforever: Ha ha ha, really?
Leslie61786: yeah
bobgrocerforever: I didn't think Kathy would ever consider it.
bobgrocerforever: But somehow I thought Becky might.
Leslie61786: naw
Leslie61786: kathy won't
bobgrocerforever: Oh, I knew that when I made it.
Leslie61786: but becky might.....I don't know

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