Attractivity and Fart

titotothelimit: Did you read the Attractivity Theory yet?
titotothelimit: I just posted it minutes ago.
Yellowgurl 1603: no
Yellowgurl 1603: haha
Yellowgurl 1603: i didnt' read it
titotothelimit: It's something you would enjoy.
Yellowgurl 1603: i already x'd out
Yellowgurl 1603: where is it
titotothelimit: It's at
Yellowgurl 1603: alrighty
Yellowgurl 1603: HAHAHAHAHA
titotothelimit: You like?
Yellowgurl 1603: so far, nice and bitter
Yellowgurl 1603: OMG
Yellowgurl 1603: thats great
Yellowgurl 1603: *pats him on the back*
titotothelimit: Thank you, thank you.
Yellowgurl 1603: haha
Yellowgurl 1603: thats some good stuff
titotothelimit: Yeah...incredibly, it makes some sense.
Yellowgurl 1603: it actually does
Yellowgurl 1603: which is slightly disturbing
titotothelimit: Yeah...for once, I came up with something accurate on my website.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahhahaha
Yellowgurl 1603: geez
Yellowgurl 1603: that was great
titotothelimit: I like the bogus formula with subscript text. Adds a nice touch.
titotothelimit: And the disclaimer.
Yellowgurl 1603: right
Yellowgurl 1603: it does
Yellowgurl 1603: its great
titotothelimit: But yeah, I thought you'd like the theory.
titotothelimit: Almost as entertaining as me farting during the vocab quiz.
Yellowgurl 1603: almost....
Yellowgurl 1603: rofl
titotothelimit: That may be the most awkward moment in my life.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahhhahahaha
Yellowgurl 1603: it was great
Yellowgurl 1603: lol
Yellowgurl 1603: be proud
titotothelimit: I am. At least I didn't act like I didn't do it.
titotothelimit: I figure if I can't stop it then there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Yellowgurl 1603: this is tru
Yellowgurl 1603: lol
Yellowgurl 1603: LOL
Yellowgurl 1603: IT WAS SO GREAT
titotothelimit: It was incredibly loud.
titotothelimit: I don't think I've ever had such a succint, clear-ringing fart before.
Yellowgurl 1603: hahahahha

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